Story of Al Mashal

The journey of Al Mashal has been an arduous but nonetheless a fruitful one. It has reached the point where all the efforts have paid off. But the journey still continues.

From one room building to various small rented buildings it has finally reached its pinnacle of achievement by owning and building its own premises.

A Brief overview of our Donors and Supporters:
The construction of our new building premises could not have been possible without our foreign supporters.

We are especially very thankful to Robatec Switzerland and Italy for their help. They came forward with their help and support when they were informed about our project of a new school premises. With their generous donations Al Mashal’s new school building project started off.

We were further supported by our donors from Glasgow from time to time. ‘Sisters in Deen’ gave their dedicated teacher who is supporting her tuition fee with the salary she receives from the school. She has also enrolled in bachelor’s degree from Punjab University.

28th February 2025

Ramazan Day was celebrated at the school. The children decorated the premises by displaying all aspects of Ramazan, including Etekaaf, Taraveh, Nimaz, Hadith and Zakat. They laid tables for Sehri and Iftari. The idea was to encourage them to fast and have knowledge about the holy month of Ramazan and its benefits. The practice of charity was encouraged and the students made small contributions to the charity box. We want our students to be good Muslims who are always willing to help the needy and are always thankful for what Allah has bestowed on them.
These are small steps we take to achieve this goal.

21st February 2025

The children at Al-Mashal Welfare Foundation celebrated Mother’s Day and Family Day on February 21st, 2025. The students welcomed and greeted their mothers by kissing their hands. They performed short skits to highlight their appreciation of everything their mothers do for them. As a sign of their love and respect, the children washed their mothers’ feet.

We also celebrated Happy Family Day to inculcate family values in the children. Two families were invited and they emphasized the important role each member played in their household. Family trees were used to show the children the importance of a united family living in harmony. In addition to the above, the children recited duas and gave short speeches.

We, at Al-Mashal Welfare Foundation, always endeavour to make our students good and respectful human beings who are beacons of light in the society. These are small steps we take to achieve this goal.

5th February 2025

On Wednesday February 5th, 2025 Al-Mashal Welfare Foundation celebrated Kashmir Day with great fervour.
We also took the opportunity to celebrate the admission of new students on the same day. The children were given a very festive welcome by the teachers and students.

2nd February 2025

The students went on a field trip to Safari Park and Gulshan-e-Iqbal Park Lahore on Saturday February 2, 2025. They got to see many animals and enjoyed the beautiful natural surroundings with different flowers and plants. They enjoyed rides available in the park.
They were given a nice lunch as well.
The traffic police department gave a short lecture and demonstrated road safety lessons to the students.
Overall they had a very enjoyable as well as educational experience.

17th January 2025

Students at Al-Mashal Welfare Foundation had a relaxed day on Friday, January 2025. Some indoor and outdoor games and activities were arranged by the staff, and the children thoroughly enjoyed themselves by playing and learning simultaneously.
We invariably strive to keep our students motivated and engaged in activities besides their academic curriculum. By providing them with a healthy and engaging environment we ensure their academic as well as practical skills improve.

3rd January 2025

Al-Mashal Welfare Foundation School held its annual day today. All the students from playgroup to grade 7 were handed their results and promoted to the next class.
Our students did very well despite all the holidays and school closures due to various factors. The credit goes to our dedicated teachers as well who worked very hard to ensure that the syllabus was completed within the limited timeframe.
We wish our students success in their new classes and hope to see them grow and succeed in every aspect of their lives.

9th March 2024

To celebrate the advent of spring, the students and staff of Al-Mashal Welfare Foundation celebrated their annual Spring Festival with good cheer and festivity.

There were sports and other activities for everyone. The older children enjoyed a game of cricket and kite flying, while the younger ones enjoyed themselves on the playground swings etc. There were short educational performances presented by the little children. We always encourage our students to maintain a clean and green environment, so a seed-sowing session was arranged for them. They planted seedlings very happily with the hope of seeing their plants grow in due course.

All the above activities were followed by a potluck lunch where everyone had brought something from home. It was like a picnic on a beautiful, sunny and cool spring day.

Arranging such days not only gives our students a break from their daily routine, but also instills confidence and camaraderie in them. We hope to celebrate many more such enjoyable events for our students in the coming years inshaAllah.

15th January 2024

We are happy to announce that final exams at Al-Mashal Welfare Foundation were held successfully from December 11th to December 18th, 2023. All the children did very well and their progress was satisfactory.

Results were handed out on January 12, 2024.

Mothers were asked to attend the ceremony. The importance of education from different perspectives, including Islamic point of view, was emphasized. The results were handed to the mothers. The children’s annual attendance was shared with them.

The children were handed their syllabus in the form of books, exercise books, monthly and annual planners. The mothers were advised to ensure their children kept up with their daily work so that at the end of each semester they do well in their quarterly exams.

Punctuality, cleanliness, neatness and importance of a neat uniform were emphasized.

We hope 2024 proves to be a year of success and prosperity for all the students and staff of Al-Mashal Welfare Foundation. Our aim is to groom our students to become exemplary citizens of Pakistan and make us proud nationally and internationally inshaAllah.

Pakistan day celebrated 14th August 2023

Al-Mashal Welfare Foundation celebrated Pakistan’s 76th Independence Day with great zeal and fervour.
All the children came dressed in patriotic colours of green and white, waving flags and chanting slogans for the longevity of our beloved Pakistan.
The students performed tableaus and patriotic songs while the teachers gave speeches emphasizing the importance of independence and how to cherish the freedom and become good citizens.
We want our students to be beacons of light and make Pakistan shine on the world map inshaAllah.
Pakistan Zindabad 🇵🇰

20th and 21st July 2023

Al-Mashal Foundation celebrated its annual Cultural Day and Festival on July 20th and 21st, 2023.
The children participated with great enthusiasm and dedication. Short skits representing all provinces of Pakistan were performed. They were dressed in traditional costumes. Some children brought food to share with everyone. Competitive games were arranged and children enjoyed playing them. Certificates were handed to the participants to give them encouragement. Overall it was a fun-filled couple of days which the students enjoyed and participated with fervour.

17th April 2023
As we are about to bid farewell to the holy month of Ramazan, we humbly want to share some positive news on our website.
An-Nur Welfare Canada in collaboration with Al-Mashal Welfare Foundation distributed ration amongst 35 deserving families in our community. We at Al-Mashal are always looking beyond our school and academics to help the community at large and we are very thankful to An-Nur Welfare for their support and for pledging further assistance in the coming years.

3rd February 2023
On Friday February 3rd, 2023 Al-Mashal Welfare Foundation held a spring get together for the donors, students, staff and online teachers, which was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone. A tour of the school premises was conducted for the participants and they all appreciated the upgrades made to the classrooms and other areas of the school.
Annual results were announced and it was very encouraging to notice academic progress of all the students.
Everyone was served a delightful lunch in the gardens of the school which was enjoyed by all.

25th November 2022
Today we celebrated Professionals’ Day at Al-Mashal Welfare Foundation School. Approximately 13 professionals from different fields of work were introduced to the students, including a businessman, accountant, carpenter, artist, cleaner and security guard. They were given an insight into each profession to raise awareness and appreciation towards people from all walks of life. They were apprised about the qualifications required for each profession and their pros and cons.The children took keen interest in each presentation.

25th November 2022
We at almashal welfare foundation is pleased to announce the addition, just want to update you on the work that has been done at Al-Mashal Welfare Foundation School before we welcome 2023! We are very pleased to announce the addition of faculty members who are trained and foreign-qualified to further improve the standard of our school. We welcome these teachers onboard!
Before the advent of severe winter season we have painted the school and decorated it with child-friendly and bright coloured boards and shelves etc. All the classrooms are now completely furnished.
Safety of the premises is one of our primary concerns and for that we have installed an electrical security wire on the boundary walls.

1st November 2022
The management at Al-Mashal Welfare Foundation is extremely pleased to announce the expansion of its teaching staff with local and foreign qualified teachers.
We have hired a Montessori trained teacher to further elevate the standard of our students at the grassroots level.
To improve their spoken English and comprehension, we have taken on board an MS in English Literature teacher. We want our children to be at par with students at other private schools and having these experienced and foreign qualified teachers in our faculty will assist us to achieve that goal. Furthermore our volunteer teachers within Pakistan and abroad are doing an exceptional job in enhancing not only the children’s academic but also their social skills.

15 October 2022
The management at Al-Mashal Welfare Foundation is extremely pleased to announce the expansion of its teaching staff with local and foreign qualified teachers.
We have hired a Montessori trained teacher to further elevate the standard of our students at the grassroots level.
To improve their spoken English and comprehension, we have taken on board an MS in English Literature teacher. We want our children to be at par with students at other private schools and having these experienced and foreign qualified teachers in our faculty will assist us to achieve that goal. Furthermore our volunteer teachers within Pakistan and abroad are doing an exceptional job in enhancing not only the children’s academic but also their social skills.

13th May 2022
Eid Milan party held at Al-Mashal Foundation
Today at Al-Mashal we arranged an Eid Milan party for the students and staff. The children were given dried snacks and the staff was given lunch. The children played games afterwards.

30th March 2022
A donation of Rs. Twenty Lacs has been made by a generous donor. This money will be used to further the cause of education for the underprivileged children through our school.

10th December 2021
Grade 4 students of almashal welfare foundation finished their first puzzle of 500 pieces. It was a big achievement for them.

29th November 2021

Teacher Training at Al-Mashal Welfare Foundation

On a mission to make learning more forward-looking and engaging for every child, with developing new school wide approaches to prepare their students to be successful—in school and beyond their small, rural community. In response, the Al Mashal Welfare Foundation School established an International Montessori Early Years curriculum in the School, Teaching Young children through hands on activities.

Montessori Education: The authentic Montessori Method for early childhood education is like no other approach out there. Those familiar with conventional teaching methods and school environments will discover a truly unique and different experience in a Montessori classroom. Key approaches of Montessori induced activities brought about many positive changes in children such as:

Improvement in Key Developmental Stages.
Encourages Cooperative Play.
Learning Is Child-Centered.
Children Naturally Learn Self-Discipline,order,focus
Teachers Facilitate the Learning Experience.
Learning Method Inspires Creativity and love to learn

Extensive training—comparable to graduate school coursework—is necessary as the Montessori curriculum challenges educators to rethink fundamental classroom dynamics, right down to the roles of teacher and student. Instead of delivering whole-class lessons, teachers prepare individualized work plans for every child every week, and circulate around the room during class time to help and observe students individually.

2nd November 2021

Children enjoying and trying to complete a jigsaw puzzle. We at Al – Mashal Welfare Foundation create an easy and fun loving environment for the students to develop their problem solving and memory skills.

14th October 2021

Grade 4 students participated in a “GREEN THUMB” gardening competition today. All the students were provided with pots for a kitchen garden and they planted different herbs and vegetables of their choice. Our purpose is to encourage them to create a clean, green and sustainable environment for themselves.

8th October 2021

Quranic Teachings and Character Building Classes
In its efforts to promote children’s good character building within the norms of Islamic teachings, Al-Mashal Welfare Foundation is happy to commence Quranic teaching and dars for senior students and their mothers from October 8, 2021. The sessions will be held every week on Fridays at 2 p.m.
We firmly believe that a good home environment is the foundation of a child’s upright and noble character and these weekly Quranic teachings are a stepping stone of inclusive teaching for the mothers and their children. May Allah help us succeed in our endeavours to achieve this noble cause.

14th August 2021

Pakistan Day celebrations were held in Al-Mashal Foundation School.
All the children were dressed in green and white clothes, matching the colours of the Pakistani flag. Some of the children performed a concert singing patriotic songs, which was thoroughly enjoyed by the little viewers. A jumping castle was arranged and the children were ecstatic to jump and play inside and outside it.
Such celebrations are a part of inculcating patriotism in our students. We want all our students to grow up and become Pakistanis who are proud of their country and who do their country proud.
PAKISTAN Zindabad 🇵🇰

10th June 2021

We, at Al-Mashal Foundation Welfare Trust, are always striving to raise awareness amongst the children and their parents about different current health and social issues. An activity was held on June 10, 2021 to educate the students and parents about the risks and prevention of Dengue and COVID-19.

For Dengue prevention, the participants were advised to take the following steps:

1. Reduce Mosquito Habitat: The mosquitoes which breed dengue thrive in stagnant water. We must eliminate these stagnant breeding areas like flower pots, pets and birds water bowls, tires, swimming pools and puddles etc.
2. Stay in well-screened houses.
3. Use mosquito repellents.
4. Wear protective clothing, like full-sleeved shirts and pants.
5. Sleep under mosquito-net if possible or use a mosquito repellent in the sleeping area.
6. Keep the inside and outside of your houses very clean.

For COVID-19 prevention the participants were advised to take the following steps:

1. Clean your hands often. Use soap and water, or an alcohol-based hand rub.
2. Try to avoid going to crowded places.
3. Maintain a safe distance from anyone who is coughing or sneezing.
4. Wear a mask when physical distancing is not possible.
5. Don’t touch your eyes, nose or mouth.
6. Cover your nose and mouth with your bent elbow or a tissue when you cough or sneeze.
7. Stay home if you feel unwell.
8. If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention.

The above guidelines are simple and easy to understand and follow. We are confident all the participants of the activity benefited from it.

Stay safe, stay healthy.
A clean household is a healthy household.

1st February 2021

As per the Government of Pakistan’s directives, Al-Mashal Foundation School was reopened on February 1, 2021 after being closed since December 2020 due to Corona Virus.

We are following strict SOPs and guidelines to ensure the safety of all students and staff. Masks are mandatory for everyone. Hand sanitizers are also provided, however students are encouraged to bring their own bottles with them. We at Al-Mashal strive to provide a safe and healthy environment for all our students and staff.

We are confident, with the current implementation of the strict SOPs, we will resume our classes successfully for the rest of the school year.

May Allah keep everyone safe and healthy.

December 2021

23rd March 2019

Al Mashal Welfare Foundation celebrated Pakistan day with its students today. The gathering came together to sing the national anthem and the students were educated and inspired through lectures emphasising the importance of the day. The day involved various other activities which allowed the students to celebrate it with zeal and zest.

21st March 2019
The students and staff of the school joyously celebrated the arrival of Spring.
During the day the mood remained festive and joyful with students involving themselves in various activities to celebrate spring by flying kites and participating in various other sports.

15th March 2019
The school celebrated its first anniversary with enthusiasm and jubilation. The event was hallmarked by students and staff decorating the school and they presented bouquets to the principal. Finally they celebrated the day by cutting a cake thus bringing to culmination a successful year.

30th January 2019
Montessori class student Imshaal Wasim celebrated her fourth birthday in school today. The children sang birthday song for her and cut the cake.

24th January 2019
Clothes and toys were distributed among the children today. These were collected at the fundraising for the school by Mrs. Maimoona. The children were thankful and happy to receive such beautiful tokens of love.

13th January 2019
A fund raiser was organised by Mrs. Maimoona on 13th January 2019. The event comprised of a grand fun fair at her residence to collect funds for the school building. It was attended by families and friends . The children enjoyed themselves a lot. There were food stalls, face painting, games etc. The children made goody bags for the school children also. The whole affair was a splendid success. The proceeds from the event were added in the school fund. We thank Mrs. Maimoona for her efforts and hope that she continues to play an active part in the school funding .

School Reopens
School reopened on 15th August 2018 after summer vacations. Children came back with much enthusiasm and ready for studies.

School is Getting Ready
The new school building is under construction.

PTM. April 2018
Timely meetings and keeping the parents up-to-date with their children’s progress has always been the strategy of the school system. Therefore a meeting was held with the parents and it was highly appreciated by them. They conveyed their satisfaction with the school system and discussed their queries with the principal.

March 2018
Al-Mashal shifts to its new premises:-

The dream and goal of Al Mashal Foundation was realized when in March 2018 it shifted to its own building. Presently one room is being utilized while the building is under construction. It is located in Badarpur just a little outside the main city Lahore.

New session 2016-2017 started – April 2016
We have started our new session in April. All students have been given new books and copies.

Online Classes started as of April 2015
We have started online classes in our school as of April 2015 for grades 2 to 4. Classes are held for English, Pak Studies and Science on Skype from Miss Halima. These are conducted from 9 am to 12 pm. This has been a very successful project, as Miss Halima is an excellent teacher and the children benefit from her greatly and also get an opportunity to become more proficient at computer use.

Pakistan Day Celebrations
6th September 2015
Pakistan day was celebrated by Al Mashal students with much zeal and enthusiasm. They had prepared motivational songs and sang them beautifully. The children were told the importance of this day .

29th August 2014
An effective parent-teacher partnership can make a significant difference in a child’s education, and the start of a new semester is an ideal time to refocus this partnership. Parent – teacher meeting was held in Al-Mashal Welfare Foundation on 29th of August 2014.

Agenda of Meeting:

– Students should come to school neat & clean.

– Be punctual.

– To come regularly to school.

New School Session Begins
April 14, 2014
Our new school session started on 14th April 2014. Children have been given new school syllabus and new notebooks.

Shahzad is one of the four students who gave his Punjab Board Examination in 2013 from our school and got admission in Class 8 directly after Class 5th. The reason being that their performance was brilliant and they were encouraged to take admission in Class 8 by the Government school principal. They have truly made us proud! We wish them best of luck in the future.

Punjab Youth Festival Debates Competition
April 12, 2014
Our school is very proud of its alumini – of our talented Laiba Mehmood. She participated in Punjab Youth Festival and got first position in the festival under which her school among all the government schools and two private schools had participated. The final of debates were on 12th April 2014 in which she got first prize. The topic was “Quaid’s dream for his Welfare State”. She achieved fourth position in overall Punjab School Debates. In her own words she said that “I owe it all to my school Al Mashal Welfare Foundation which provided me with a strong base to achieve this prestigious position.” She is now in Grade 10.

Visit to Seasons Menu Factory
January 18, 2014
The school went to Seasons Menu factory on the 18th of Jan 2014. A total of 25 children and a staff of 4 teachers went. Before the tour started the children were shown a presentation on how the Seasons products were launched. The children were shown around the factory and it was explained to them how different procedures are done before the final product that they see in the shops. It was very informative for them to know how each and every process is done. At the end of the tour they were given snacks of menu products and souvenirs. The children enjoyed the trip very much.

School helps a needy family
May 10, 2013
Al Mashal school helped out a needy family who had no job by setting up a cart with plastic utensils for them. The family’s means of income has started and things have started to look better for them now.

Measles Vaccinations in our School
April 29, 2013
As per our government’s initiative to terminate the measles epidemic, vaccination shots were given to our school children under ten years of age. The school cooperated fully with the government officials and made proper lists of all children who were given the vaccination.

New school session starts
April 08, 2013
New session of school started from 8th April 2013. New syllabus was distributed among the school children.

Nurpur Foods Visit our school
April 03, 2013
Nurpur Foods visited our school and distributed milk among the school children. They set up their kiosk and handed out milk cartons to the children. This has been an initiative from our school to introduce a proper balanced meal for our children. The children enjoyed their milk and thanked the Nurpur officials.

March 2013 Board Exam Results
March 10, 2013
Result of our class fifth board students was announced in March. All our students passed in first attempt and got admissions in FG schools.

Saira’s Success Story
January 26, 2013
One of our students, Saira Sultan, studied till class 5 in our school. After doing her primary with flying colors she got admission in a government school. She studied there till Class Matric. She always wanted to study more and was a very hard working student. Her determination to continue with her studies got her admission in Punjab College Lahore on merit. She also took computer courses and on the basis of which she got a job that paid for her tuition fee. She got a laptop for herself and got an online job and further helped in her household income as well as her payment of her tuition fee. Her fee is Rs.100,000/ year. Now it has become difficult for her to pay her tuition fee since her laptop broke down and she has no job. To continue with her education she is looking for a permanent job. She approached Al-Mashal where she is now working part time job for 5000/month so she can continue with her studies. We are looking for a sponsor who is willing to support her education fee. Sponsorship fee is Rs. 5000/month, she requires a total of Rs.100,000/year.

Play performance by our students and little art
January 24, 2013
0n 24th January 2013, there was a function organized by our school. It was a joint venture of The Little Art and Al Mashal school. The children performed a play on children’s rights which was prepared by The Little Art. The school also invited its donors to the function. The children performed brilliantly in all the performances. The fact that they had an audience to perform for made them confident. The donors also enjoyed the program a lot and encouraged the children. The program included Quran recitation, and performances on different songs and also a play on children’s rights. It ended with our national anthem. The children were served snacks which they enjoyed a lot.

Trip to McDonald’s
January 22, 2013
Al Mashal school was invited to McDonald’s on 22 January 2013. It is an annual event and is most appreciated by the school since these children don’t have many opportunities to go out to eat in their daily life. A total of 40 children and 11 staff members were given a free lunch there. They talked with the staff members of McDonald’s and answered all their questions with confidence. The children had a good time and enjoyed their trip very much.

Talk by Prof. Abdul Salam
December 06, 2012
Our students attended a talk by Prof. Abdul Salam. He gave a lecture on Allama Iqbal and Quaid i Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah. He works in Nazaria Pakistan Trust. He told the children about two nation theory and the efforts of our Quaid in this regard. He also gave the school, books and leaflets of his institute about Quaid i Azam and Allama Iqbal.

Al Mashal and The Little Art join hands
December 04, 2012
Al Mashal became official partners with The Little Art. The Little Art is an organization that conducts activities in different schools. Al Mashal had been looking for an organization like this to bring out the talent of their children and to inculcate self confidence in them.

We celebrate Allama Iqbal Day
November 09, 2012
Al Mashal celebrated Allama Iqbal Day on 9th November. Our children performed tableau on Allama Iqbal’s poetry. They also recited some poems by Allama Iqbal.

“International Children’s Film Festival”
September 17, 2012
A visit to Ali Institute was conducted to watch the International Children’s Film Festival event. There were short films of different subjects which our students enjoyed very much. Since they had never been exposed to such an activity before they were enthralled by the whole event.

Visit to Pepsi Plant in Sundar
April 12, 2012
A group of fifteen students from our school went to visit the Pepsi Cola Factory at Sundar Industrial Estate. They were given an introductory talk about the plant and a guided tour. At the end of the visit they were served snacks, which included items being produced in the plant that they had just seen being made. It was an educational visit and the children enjoyed themselves a lot.

New School Premises
September 26, 2011
We moved to a new location, in Saddar Cantt, Lahore. We could not afford the rent of the previous building so we decided to move to a lower rent building nearby. It’s a three storey building with six rooms and a nice big terrace. The location is convenient for the students, most of whom live nearby. We had approached the Corp. Commander Lahore, to help us find a new school building. They have given us a very generous cash donation to facilitate our move to this premises.

Summer Break
July 20, 2011
The school closed for summer break on July 20th, 2011 and reopened on 20th of September 2011.

Trip to McDonald’s
July 20, 2011
We were invited to the opening of the new McDonald’s on M.M. Alam Road, Gulberg, Lahore. The children enjoyed it very much and were very happy with the free toys they were given there.

Registration with Punjab Board
October 21, 2010
Our school’s registration process with the Punjab Board, Govt. of Pakistan has finally completed. We are now officially registered with the Punjab Board.

Medical Checkups at School
October 16, 2010
The Agha Khan Lab arranged a medical camp at our school. They provided the services of four doctors, one dental surgeon, one G.P., one eye specialist and an assistant to provide medical checkups for our students. Twenty students who needed medical attention were given a complete medical examination.

Springtime Activities
March 31, 2010
Thanks to our donors in Glasgow, we have enjoyed a lot of springtime activities in our new school premises. Our friends in Glasgow made this possible by their generous contribution which enabled us to pay our rent for one year. Blue Band Margarine company paid a visit to our school and did a weight/height check up of all our students. Alif Laila Library held a world reading competition which our students participated in.

Final Examinations
March 10, 2010
Our final examinations have started today i.e 10th March 2010. The students have prepared well for these important examinations.

Alif Laila walk for Education
March 06, 2010
We participated in a walk for education organised by the Alif Laila Book Library. It was a very good experience for the students.

Painting Competition at Racecourse Park
March 02, 2010
The event was organized by PHA, and was very enjoyable, in the true spirit of spring in Lahore.

WWF Wetlands Festival
February 21, 2010
We enjoyed participating in this festival, and our students won three prizes, in photography, essay writing and story writing. Our students made us proud by winning prizes in the competitions.

Visit to McDonald’s
February 19, 2010
Once more our students enjoyed the food and fun activities provided to us by McDonald’s, free of cost.

Visit to Jallo Park
February 06, 2010
We enjoyed a field trip to Jallo Park as part of our spring activities.

Medical Treatment of a student
November 18, 2009
One of our students, Omar, was diagnosed with TB of intestines. We had him treated at Jinnah Hospital. By the grace of Allah he is doing fine now.

Polio Drops Administered
November 16, 2009
During the polio week, our students under five years of age were administered polio drops in the school.

Shifting of Al Mashal Foundation to New Premises
November 12, 2009
Al Mashal Welfare Foundation School has shifted from the previous premises to a better location in February 2008, so as to comfortably accommodate the children in a larger and cleaner building. This building has good construction and more space.

A teacher’s wedding
November 03, 2009
One of our teacher is getting married on 21st November 2009. We have helped arrange for the food and other wedding expenses.

New photocopier bought
October 18, 2009
We bought a new photocopier to be used in our school. Since we teach our own syllabus therefore the photocopier will be useful to us in many ways. We will be able to make copies of the syllabus for play group, nursery and prep classes ourselves.

New School Van purchased
August 20, 2009
A Suzuki pick-up was purchased to provide pick and drop facility to the children who do not live within walking distance of the school. Parents of students who lived far away from school were reluctant to let their children walk alone to school. Now they will be able to send their children in the van without any fear.

New Syllabus Books
August 15, 2009
We bought new syllabus books, copies and other stationery items for the students to start the new school year.

Polio Drops Administered
May 28, 2009
Polio drops were administered to the younger group of students who fall in the polio medication age group.

Medical Team visits school
May 26, 2009
A team of eight doctors visited our school to provide free medical checkups to our students. They also provided free medicines as needed to our children.

Blue Band Margarine Activity
May 25, 2009
A group of people from the organization arranged indoor game activities in our school. The students were very happy with the souvenirs they received from the Blue Band organization.

Hand Pump installed
May 10, 2009
Al Mashal Welfare foundation helped a poor family in Taxila by installing a hand pump for drawing water out.

Final Exams held
May 05, 2009
Final examinations were held in the first week of May. Then on 15th May our new semester started. From May till June we basically did revision work with the children. New syllabus for the classes will begin in August 2009 after summer break.

Wedding arrangements
April 18, 2009
Al-Mashal Welfare Foundation assisted in making wedding arrangements for a poor girl who lives in Taxila.

April 14, 2009
Two children who had finished grade five at our school were provided scholarships to complete their schooling at another English medium school.

Our watchman passed away
January 03, 2009
Inayat, our trusted watchman and handyman, died of cancer. We made burial arrangements for him.

Trip to Golden Chips Factory
December 19, 2008
A field trip was arranged to Golden Chips Factory in Kot Lakhpat Industrial Area. It was a good experience for the students.

Trip To McDonald’s
December 18, 2008
The children went on a trip to McDonald’s. They enjoyed their free meal and entertainment provided by McDonald’s.

Magic Show
November 11, 2008
A magic show was arranged by us. The star of the show was “Ainak wala Jinn” . The students enjoyed it thoroughly.

Eid Milan Party
October 07, 2008
We held an eid milan party in school. The children dressed up in their best eid clothes and enjoyed themselves.

New Syllabus
September 01, 2008
New syllabus and notebooks were distributed among the students.

Final Examinations
July 01, 2008
The school held final exams before summer break.

Maggie Noodles Show
June 18, 2008
A show was held in our school by Maggie Noodles. They set up indoor games for the children and distributed gifts amongst them.

Medical Check-ups
April 08, 2008
A team of doctors from Agha Khan Lab visited our school to provide free medical checkups to all our students.

WWF Wetlands Carnival
March 12, 2007
The students went on a field trip to participate in the WWF Wetlands Carnival held at Ali Institute Lahore, on March 3rd, 2007. It was an enjoyable and an educative trip.

Vocational Training Class
February 01, 2007
The children are given training in embroidery, zari , tilla and salma-sitara work by a neighborhood teacher. He has his own embroidery workshop and teaches a group of about 15 children at a time at Al-Mashal.

Visit to a student’s house
February 01, 2007
We visited Saira’s house. She is a student of class five, and lives close by to the school. She lives in a joint family system comprising of four family units. Each family has one room. Her grandparents, her parents, and two of her uncles families live there.